Workshop de Afasia 2008 (Aphasia Workshop 2008)
Language, Functional Communication, and Communicative Participation With Aphasia
Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
14 de Junho de 2008
Sala 3.4.27, Edificio III (ESSUA/SACS), Campus de Santiago
Formadora: Madeline Cruice
Time Table
9.30h – 17.30h (Almoço 13.00h-14.00h)
This workshop will explore participants’ knowledge and understanding of language, functional communication and communicative participation for people with aphasia, in clinical practice. It will present a balanced view of these three areas, based on evidence within aphasiology and in the broader area of acquired neurogenic communication disorders.
The workshop has theoretical and practical application for clinical practice, in terms of reviewing the evidence base, exploring goals for clients with aphasia (and possibly families), discussing a range of tools and measures for gathering information and evaluating outcomes, and discussing approaches to therapy. The workshop will provide several opportunities for small group discussions, as well as opportunities to discuss the tools and measures covered during the day.
The workshop will cover:
- Reviewing the evidence (and gaps in evidence base) for the impact of language, functional communication, and communicative participation on quality of life with aphasia;
- Using tools and measures to gather information to formulate goals for therapy;
- Using tools and measures to evaluate outcomes of therapy;
- Therapy approaches and therapy ideas for language, functional communication, and communicative participation (please note: more time will be spent on functional communication and communicative participation);
Participants are encouraged to complete the attached sheet before the workshop to stimulate reflection on their own practice during the workshop (please bring sheet to workshop, although note that these are private and there is no requirement to for participants to share their thoughts with others).
Anticipated outcomes from the workshop:
- Clear understanding of the importance of language for quality of life with aphasia;
- Applied the content of the workshop to one client from their own practice, in terms of goals, information gathering tools, outcome measures, and approaches to therapy;
- Discussed the relevance of goals and therapy approaches to local practice in Portugal;
- Reviewed and discussed a range of tools and measures of functional communication and communicative participation aspects, and be able to take these away from the workshop to consider relevance for clinical practice;
Get the form, the 1st set of slides and the 2nd one right here.