Assessment and Management of Aphasia after Stroke Workshop

Assessment and Management of Aphasia after Stroke Workshop

17th of September 2015 University of Aveiro, Portugal

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The workshop will be open and free to CATs members and to Science of Aphasia 2015 participants.

Workshop goals: To provide updates in research regarding topical issues in stroke rehabilitation and professional practice.

Learning objectives:

  • Participants will gain a multidisciplinary understanding of current issues in research and practice in stroke and aphasia;
  • Participants will gain knowledge and understanding of how to consider the breadth of the sequelae of stroke in assessment and treatment.

Target audience: Stroke rehabilitation researchers and practising clinicians.


9.15-9.45h Reception and registration;
9.45-10.00h Opening ceremony, Luís Jesus (Workshop Chair and CATs member);
10.00-10.30h Neural predictors of stroke and aphasia recovery, David Caplan, Harvard Medical School, USA;
10.30-11.00h Self-management approaches in stroke rehabilitation, Sara Demain, University of Southampton, UK;
11.00-11.30h Visual impairments after stroke and the assessment and management of aphasia, Christine Hazelton, NMAHP, UK
  11.30h-12.00h – Coffee break;
 12.00-12.30h  Selecting Health-Related Patient-Reported Outcomes (HR‐PRO) Instruments, Luís Jesus, University of Aveiro, Portugal;
  12.30h-14.00h – Lunch
 14.00-14.30h  Clinicians’ Perspectives of Quality of Life in Aphasia Rehabilitation, Madeline Cruice, City University London, UK;
 14.30-14.50h  Third Party Disability in Aphasia: Caregivers’ Quality of Life, Brígida Patrício, IPP, Portugal;
 14.50-15.10h Consequences of stroke & aphasia: Views of people with aphasia, and family members, Assunção Matos, University of Aveiro, Portugal;
 15.10-15.30h Instituto Português da Afasia: Implementation of life participation approaches to Aphasia in Portugal, Paula Valente, Instituto Português da Afasia, Matosinhos, Portugal;
15.30h-16.00h – Coffee break;
16.00-17.00h Applying Quality of Life in Research and Clinical Practice: Group Discussion, all conference participants (chaired by Luís Jesus, Madeline Cruice, Assunção Matos and Brígida Patrício);
17.00-17.15h Closing ceremony, Luís Jesus (Chair and CATs member)

Some images from the Assessment and Management of Aphasia after Stroke Workshop