Assessment and Management of Aphasia after Stroke Workshop
17th of September 2015 University of Aveiro, Portugal
The workshop will be open and free to CATs members and to Science of Aphasia 2015 participants.
Workshop goals: To provide updates in research regarding topical issues in stroke rehabilitation and professional practice.
Learning objectives:
- Participants will gain a multidisciplinary understanding of current issues in research and practice in stroke and aphasia;
- Participants will gain knowledge and understanding of how to consider the breadth of the sequelae of stroke in assessment and treatment.
Target audience: Stroke rehabilitation researchers and practising clinicians.
9.15-9.45h | Reception and registration; |
9.45-10.00h | Opening ceremony, Luís Jesus (Workshop Chair and CATs member); |
10.00-10.30h | Neural predictors of stroke and aphasia recovery, David Caplan, Harvard Medical School, USA; |
10.30-11.00h | Self-management approaches in stroke rehabilitation, Sara Demain, University of Southampton, UK; |
11.00-11.30h | Visual impairments after stroke and the assessment and management of aphasia, Christine Hazelton, NMAHP, UK |
11.30h-12.00h – Coffee break; | |
12.00-12.30h | Selecting Health-Related Patient-Reported Outcomes (HR‐PRO) Instruments, Luís Jesus, University of Aveiro, Portugal; |
12.30h-14.00h – Lunch | |
14.00-14.30h | Clinicians’ Perspectives of Quality of Life in Aphasia Rehabilitation, Madeline Cruice, City University London, UK; |
14.30-14.50h | Third Party Disability in Aphasia: Caregivers’ Quality of Life, Brígida Patrício, IPP, Portugal; |
14.50-15.10h | Consequences of stroke & aphasia: Views of people with aphasia, and family members, Assunção Matos, University of Aveiro, Portugal; |
15.10-15.30h | Instituto Português da Afasia: Implementation of life participation approaches to Aphasia in Portugal, Paula Valente, Instituto Português da Afasia, Matosinhos, Portugal; |
15.30h-16.00h – Coffee break; | |
16.00-17.00h | Applying Quality of Life in Research and Clinical Practice: Group Discussion, all conference participants (chaired by Luís Jesus, Madeline Cruice, Assunção Matos and Brígida Patrício); |
17.00-17.15h | Closing ceremony, Luís Jesus (Chair and CATs member) |